Legion Characters

Legion Siege Master
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5th Legion Cataphract Destroyer Wizard
from $17.00
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5th Legion Cataphract Destroyer Captain
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Cataphract Destroyer Wizard
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14th Cataphract Destroyer Captains
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Legion Commander in Master Crafter Power Armor
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Corrupted 4th legion Champion
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4th Legion Sergeant Gen 4 Power Armor
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20th Legion Commander Harrower
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Stubborn Father of the 7th Legion
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Iron Father of the 10th Legion
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12th Legion, 8th Assault Company Captain
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Lord of Crows Father of the 19th Legion
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16th Legion Captain in Cataphract Destroyer Armor
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16th Legion Captain ABBY in Cataphract Destroyer Armor
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Legion Corrupt Wizard in Cataphract Destroyer Armor
from $22.00
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Legion Doctor in Cataphract Destroyer Armor
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Legion Tribune in Tart Destroyer Armor
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5th Legion Commander in Tart Destroyer Armor
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8th Legion Commander Lord of Magpies
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3rd Legion Captain, Loyal Saul
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7th Legion Commander "Sigi"
from $24.00
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3rd Legion Captain in Tart Destroyer Armor
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Legion Sanctioned Wizard
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Legion Occult Wizard
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Legion Combat Master
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4th Legion Loyal Force Commander
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4th Legion Grave Tender
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17th Legion Preacher in Gen 4 Armor
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7th Legion Defence Commander
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7th Legion Captain in Gen 3 Armor
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Legion Wizard in Gen 3 Armor
from $13.00
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Legion Technician in Gen 3 Armor
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4th Legion Hell Smith in Gen 3 Armor
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9th Legion Captain in Gen 4 Armor
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4th Legion Siege Master in Gen 4 Power Armor
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12th Legion Sergeant in new Gen 3 Armor
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Legion Doctor, New Gen 2 & Gen 3
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Cataphract Destroyer Siege Master
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Iron Berserker of the 4th Legion
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Van Hailen Loyal Smith of the 4th legion
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